A distinctive portfolio of office properties in the United States.

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About Keppel
Pacific Oak US REIT

Keppel Pacific Oak US REIT (KORE) is a distinctive office REIT with freehold office buildings and business campuses located across key growth markets driven by innovation and technology in the United States (US). KORE's investment strategy is to principally invest in a diversified portfolio of income-producing commercial assets and real estate-related assets in key growth markets of the US with positive economic and office fundamentals that generally outpace the US national average, and the average of the gateway cities, so as to provide sustainable distributions and strong total returns for Unitholders.

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Portfolio Highlights

US Portfolio Showcase
US$1.33B Assets under management
± 4.8M SF Net Lettable Area
90.0% Portfolio committed occupancy
13 U.S. Office Properties

All info as at 31 Dec 2024

Featured Markets

Seattle – Bellevue / Redmond

Combined NLA 1,608,794 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$672.3M
Portfolio Weight 50.7%


Combined NLA 318,427 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$90.7M
Portfolio Weight 6.8%


Combined NLA 799,121 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$162.4M
Portfolio Weight 12.2%


Combined NLA 723,453 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$122.9M
Portfolio Weight 9.3%


Combined NLA 457,122 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$107.0M
Portfolio Weight 8.1%


Combined NLA 466,438 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$91.5M
Portfolio Weight 6.9%


Combined NLA 212,251 SF
Combined Carrying Value US$38.2M
Portfolio Weight 2.9%

2024 Living Capital Highlights

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